Just days after the 2012 Republican National Convention, we have heard a lot of criticism from writers and experts nationwide. We heard from several governors, representatives, and even a Hollywood A-lister talking to an empty chair, and of course a speech from vice presidential nominee, Paul Ryan. It seems that several of Ryan's misleading statements are under heavy scrutiny, as many of the facts are blatantly false. So what is the deal with politicians lying? As if nobody is going to catch false statements that are televised on nationally with over 30 million people watching. That GM plant that Obama failed to save in fact closed before Obama entered office. For those who did not catch the speech live, refer to here for the list of fallacies that corrupted the truth of Senator Ryan's speech. Although the speech was very well presented as Lisa Mascaro of the LATimes says, "Ryan's high-octane turn energized the crowd – presenting an image of a youthful and passionate policy wonk who wowed convention-goers with his optimistic "we can do this" approach to fixing the nation's economic problems." Despite Ryan's powerful presentation, it doesn't excuse the fact that the content was not all legitimate. I invite any of my blog viewers to hop on and share your thoughts about Ryan's speech, or inaccurate campaigns below. For further readings and satirical covers by John Stewart and Stephen Colbert, refer below. As comedian Stephen Colbert explains Ryan's truth-strethching, "'This is the presidential race; and to win a race, sometimes you need to juice."
Stephen Colbert and Daily Show covers Ryan's lies
4:40 Colbert video
Another humorous stab at Ryan's speech
After reading this article and researching politicians lying for my blog post, I have realized how often this occurs. It is understandable that politicians speak bad about their opponent because it will discourage voters to vote for that party. Although it is unethical, it's the truth. In regards to the lies, they are despicable. For a candidate to come out and lie to voters, just to get a few more votes is unheard of. By lying, not only is a candidate showing an inability to trusted, he is also potentially losing votes. Instead of saying something negative about the competitor that is truthful, a lie seems like the candidate doesn't know what they're talking about. No matter who is speaking (even if it is a very respected, credible person), there is no excuse for blatantly lying. I found this post to be very informative because I had not realized all these lies. Anyone that wants to talk about the ethics and lies behind politics, check out my blog Campaign Lies.
I, in agreement, believe that Ryan's lies were downright ridiculous. It is hard for me to understand how someone could stand up in front of a huge crowd and 30 million people at home and lie so effortlessly. As Jeremy said in his comment, politicians lie quite often and it seems that they will do just about anything to win votes. Many people who watched Paul Ryan may have not even noticed his lies, but were simply drawn in by his high energy speech. It seems that to the candidates, the race is just a game in which they will do or say anything to help them get the lead, but when does lying help anyone win anything? If the answer to this is during American presidential races,then we better be careful about who's in it to win the game, and who, if anyone, is in it to help our country.